A well-aligned smile can reduce a person’s risk for dental damage and improve their appearance, oral health and function. Orthodontics corrects alignment problems with the teeth and jaws. Orthodontic treatments realign not only the teeth but can also help move the jaw ligaments into optimal positions. They can also correct problems such as gapped, spaced, crowded or misaligned teeth. These treatments can also prove effective for problems such as overbites, underbites or open bites.

Orthodontic treatments can improve the aesthetics of your smile and your self-esteem. But these treatments can make speaking and eating easier, aid in a young person’s dental development and can keep your teeth from improperly striking one another, preventing damage to your smile.

While orthodontics has gained a reputation for being uncomfortable and taking a long time, advancements in technology over the years have made treatments faster, more comfortable and even more efficient than in the past.

It is a good idea to bring your child in for an orthodontic screening by age 7, and although many associate orthodontics with young people, there are orthodontic treatments for all ages. We invite you to call our office today to learn more about our treatment options and make an appointment with our dentists.